
All students, faculty, staff, and leadership at the College are enrolled in DiversityEdu. Those who take DiversityEdu are more likely to engage with diversity, intervene during a microaggression, and use accurate diversity terminology.

diversityedu logo

Students are required to complete an online learning platform entitled, "DiversityEdu." The purpose of this online course is as follows: 

  • DiversityEdu is being launched as a tool to begin the conversation around DIVERSITY and creating an INCLUSIVE community at the College of Charleston. 
  • This is an online course that delivers students personal skills for engaging with diversity and growing inclusive campus culture.
  • It is a training module designed to help students entering the College of Charleston embrace differences and recognize shared experiences as they join our campus community.
  • We hope it will assist you in getting the most out of your campus experience at CofC and in any diverse community where you choose to live, learn, and work.
  • DiversityEdu will be used to enhance our philosophy of "A Liberal Arts Education" at CofC; developing the "whole person" who will then be prepared to live and work in a global society


Faculty and Staff

DiversityEdu's "Faculty and Staff: Personal Skills for a Diverse Campus" course is now available to faculty and staff. 

This interactive online session is focused on on engaging with diversity and growing inclusive culture. It is designed for our faculty, staff, and leadership at the College. It provides information and skills for building inclusive environments at the College of Charleston.

The estimated time to complete the modules is 1.5 hours. You may start, stop, and return later.

Existing employees are required to complete the entire session between October 2020 and June 2021. New employees should complete this within their first 6 months of employment.

Employees log into CougarEd to launch the course.